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Our Programmes

Our experts have carefully designed our university admissions programme to ensure participants submit high-quality applications to their chosen universities. We help candidates with every step of the admissions process from the earliest planning stages.

The programme matches each student with a mentor who has studied the subject the student is applying for at university as well as a managing consultant. The mentor and managing consultant together provide guidance and advice through the entire admissions process.
*For interviews, multiple mentors will be assigned

~3 Months



~6 Months


Oxbridge, Medicine

6~24 Months


Oxbridge, Medicine

Degree Subject Reading

Degree subject reading refers to extended reading of university 1st, 2nd year textbook or journals within the student’s applying subject. University does not officially request degree subject readings as part of an entry requirement...

Essay Competition

Oxbridge essay competition provides a chance not only for serious Oxbridge applicants but also serious Ivy League applicants to shine themselves. Award in the competition acts as a great plus point in the student’s application but participation itself is much valuable...

Work Experience

Work experience is offered to many high school students as a chance for a student to confirm his/her passion and determination to pursue many degree subjects that are directly related to particular subjects...

Personal Statement

UK personal statement’s purpose and required contents are very clear. It is all about answering the following based on the student’s 1st and 2nd high school years: “Why do I want to study this subject?” “How have I been preparing so far to study this subject?”

Admissions Test

Given that there is a set syllabus for the admissions tests, the most efficient preparation is to work through in topic-specific and question style specific manner instead of working through yearly papers and conduct timed mock tests


The Oxbridge interview is not an assessment that can be prepared like a curriculum test according to a fixed syllabus. Schools may give a few mock interviews which, for most applicants, is not enough.

Mentoring Management

The managing consultant is the administrator figure in our institution who is responsible for making sure mentoring runs smoothly via continuous communication between the mentor and student as well as keeping the parents updated on the mentoring progress.

  • University & degree subject choice and application roadmap consultation
  • Mentor assignment and programme coordination
  • Regular phone call with the mentor and student for progress monitoring
  • Regular phone call with the parent for mentoring feedback update
  • Application form proofread and check prior to submission

Mentoring Roadmap

The admissions preparations can be somewhat excessive in an already busy time period with A-Level/IB/AP studies. It is important that the admissions prep to do lists are carefully scheduled and conducted in the right time periods. The following is Oxbridge Solution’s recommended yearly schedule for admissions preparation:

  • Year 12
  • Year 13
  • Year 12
  • Year 13