Personal Statement

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UK personal statement’s purpose and required contents are very clear. Unlike US college essays, there’s no need to over contemplate or over stress oneself. UK personal statement is all about answering the following based on the student’s 1st and 2nd high school years:

  • “Why do I want to study this subject?”
  • “How have I been preparing so far to study this subject?”
  • “What is my philosophy on this subject?”

Our job as a consultant and mentor is to help convey the past 2 years of high school in the most impressive and appealing form. We can confidently say that we have the know-how in conveying this message. We very much understand that university application may turn out as “It’s a shame.. I could have done better”, and we will assist to make your application one without any shame or regret.


We are able to draw on unrivalled experience and expertise to support you through every aspect of your dream university admissions.

Story outline

Create a story that demonstrates passion for the applying subject with interlinkage of degree subject reading, work experience/ activities, competition participation available

1st Draft

Use the story materials and outline to write a 1st draft based on the story outline


Series of writing, feedback and editing on ad hoc write ups until the final draft

Essay Examples

Below are some examples of personal statements written by Oxbridge students. Please check personal statements for more